Sunday, September 14, 2008

Live Free or [decease] Hard

The fourth movie in the series, this 2007 film is relatively recent but qualifies for movie night for a couple reasons:

1.)Despite its excessive use of shenanigans, this is an action movie that we enjoy watching even if it is totally unrealistic.

2.) After watching a movie last week that actually involved the concept of true love, we need to appeal to the guys in the dorm with many explosions. Of course the girls in the dorm are a bit more open minded about what movies they enjoy and therefore also have fun watching a good action film.

3.) Despite what I may make you think, I do have a co-host for this movie night and this is one of his favorite movies. Whereas my favorite movie is completely unsuitable for a movie night, his is a perfect pick so we should definitely show it.

4.) Being a relatively recent film people have heard of it and thus will come without excessive use of persuasion on the part of my co-host and myself, thus when they leave satisfied they trust our movie judgment just a little more.

Unfortunately whereas this will actually be my first time viewing this film I cannot provide a more descriptive reason we're showing it, but I hope you do come and enjoy it.


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